Saturday, December 26, 2015

Nothing beats Thinking about Cybersecurity for 80% off in December with our The Great Courses coupon

This is a great lecture series!
Christmas has come and was awesome and you should be thinking about your safety!

Save 80% on Thinking About Cybersecurity using our The Great Courses coupon.

Cybersecurity expert, Paul Rosenzweig, from The Great Courses, also got socks and gift cards for his Christmas presents but knows how to use them!

Do you know what to do with them? If so, get that stuff sorted out safely with The Great Courses! 

Protect yourself, protect your data, protect your money.  And do it easily!

To learn more go to

Friday, December 11, 2015

You'll love Thinking about Cybersecurity for 80% off this December with our The Great Courses coupon

This is a great lecture series!
It's getting so close to the wire with holiday presents!

Save 80% on Thinking About Cybersecurity using our The Great Courses coupon.

Cybersecurity expert, Paul Rosenzweig, from The Great Courses, can help this very day while you get yourself out there online — you can do it safely!

We all know someone who makes all their passwords the same, or maybe never logs out of anything on their computer ever.

You surely know someone who has had their identity stolen online, right? These are all the things this The Great Courses class would help you with every time. And who can't use that?

Protect yourself, protect your data, protect your money.  And do it easily!

To learn more go to

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Get Thinking about Cybersecurity for 80% off this November with our The Great Courses coupon

This is a great lecture series!
Get smart and save 80% on Thinking About Cybersecurity using our The Great Courses coupon.

Did you do any shopping today online? It's Cyber Monday afterall. If you did, did you do it safely?

I've already done some shopping and I plan to do more today. I love Cyber Monday for small businesses especially. But I'm shopping safer than ever thanks to Cybersecurity expert, Paul Rosenzweig, from The Great Courses. 

When you consider it, how often have you found yourself Thinking About Cybersecurity? I'm going to guess less than you think about shopping or goofing off online.  And yet, every time you shop or surf, you're opening yourself up to the dangers of life online.

Get this course, and learn how to make yourself safer with some very simple, easy recommendations. Plus, it helps so much to understand the world we're living and working in a little better.

Think about it — you take great pains to make sure you're careful in the big wide world. You protect your person, your home, and your wallet. Why wouldn't you do the same thing online?

Learn about privacy, and what rights you have when it comes to your publicly available data. Get smart about how you get online.

To learn more go to