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Did you do any shopping today online? It's Cyber Monday afterall. If you did, did you do it safely?
I've already done some shopping and I plan to do more today. I love Cyber Monday for small businesses especially. But I'm shopping safer than ever thanks to
Cybersecurity expert, Paul Rosenzweig, from The Great Courses.
When you consider it, how often have you found yourself Thinking About Cybersecurity? I'm going to guess less than you think about shopping or goofing off online. And yet, every time you shop or surf, you're opening yourself up to the dangers of life online.
Get this course, and learn how to make yourself safer with some very simple, easy recommendations. Plus, it helps so much to understand the world we're living and working in a little better.
Think about it — you take great pains to make sure you're careful in the big wide world. You protect your person, your home, and your wallet. Why wouldn't you do the same thing online?
Learn about privacy, and what rights you have when it comes to your publicly available data. Get smart about how you get online.
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