Sunday, March 29, 2015

80% off Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques with our The Great Courses coupon

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You can now get 80% off Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques with our The Great Courses coupon.

Just think about how great it would be to actually write that novel that you have been mulling over in your head. You know what you want to say, but, there is just one problem. It's perfect in your head. Once you try to put the words down on the page it loses a little something.

You don't know how to fix translating what is in your head, and what you are, talent wise, able to put down on the paper.

That's what is so wonderful about this new series. It will teach you how to do just that.

Some of the classes that are in this series is as follows: Starting the Writing Process, Characters: Round and Flat, Major and Minor, and Evoking Setting and Place in Fiction.

Just these three lectures out of the 24 gives you the idea of what this series has to offer. A much better, well-rounded novel that is what you always dreamed it could be.

Make your novel come alive today with these techniques and tips from The Great Courses.

To learn more about this series, go to

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Writing Great Fiction is 80% off with our The Great Courses coupon

The Great Courses coupon
You ever want to write a story but didn't know how? You have a great idea, but you don't know how to execute?

Or it might be that you know how the story is going to begin and end, but your characters always seem flat on the page?

That's why this Writing Great Fiction series (for 80% off with our The Great Courses coupon) is such a great way to help you with your writing.

There are 24 lectures to help you improve your writing. One of the lectures is called Fictional Characters, Imagined and Observed. This part alone will go into how to make your characters better. Also, with better characters, it's a better story.  The story will move faster, readers won't get bogged down waiting for something to happen. Overall, the book will be better.

The series is taught by James Hynes, a novelist and writing instructor. Each course goes into a topic that will definitely help the completeness of your novel, but without overwhelming you.

The Great Courses has been a wonderful way for people to learn for over 20 years. They offer over 500 different courses, so no matter what you're into, they have a class for you. They also provide the lectures on multiple formats, including: download, DVD, and CD.

For more information, check out:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Get 80% off Writing Great Fiction thanks to our The Great Courses coupon

The Great Courses coupon
We have a new lecture series for 80% off thanks to our The Great Courses coupon. This lecture series is called Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques.

I'm really excited about this course. I have tried my hand at writing novels and really enjoy it. However, now that I have some experience, I would like to delve deeper into my understanding of how to write a novel.

This series does just that.

It is instructed by Professor James Hynes who is a novelist and writing instructor. He breaks the series down into 24 easily digestible parts. Some of the lectures that jumped out at me were: How Characters Are Different from People, Happily Ever After: How to End a Plot, and Pacing in Scenes and Narratives.

As a writer, I am really pumped about learning more about how to really flush out a character, how to get to that happy ending, and how fast, or slow, do I get there? I think that so far I'm doing fairly well, but it's kind of in the details, right? This course will help me, and you, sculpt those details. You never want everything in your novel to just seem so unrealistic, like, oh, sure ... of course the main character saves the day! You want to find a good balance between fun, and dumb.

This series is available at that 80% off until March 28th. Take advantage, and, like me, improve your craft!

To learn more, check out

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Get Stress and Your Body for 80% off with our The Great Courses coupon

The Great Courses coupon
Who doesn't want to treat their body well? We only have one body, so we have to treat it with the upmost respect.

Therefore, I am always interested in the science behind how I can lead a more healthy lifestyle. That's why I love this series Stress and Your Body.

It is now available for less with our The Great Courses coupon.

This series is divided up into 24 episodes that go into detail about how stress can effect the body in various ways.

Some of the highlights, for me,  were the episodes on: Stress Management - Clues to Success, Stress Management - Approaches and Cautions, and Understanding Psychological Stress.

I think too often we think of stress as only the psychological aspect, not how disease and physical trauma are also stressors to the body. This series goes into how stress effects the heart, cancer, and reproduction. We've all heard the rumor that people go to adopt, only to find out they are pregnant already. Once the stress is away, does it make it easier to conceive?

Let's find out.

To learn more check out: