Saturday, January 30, 2016

Wow! 80% off in January with our The Great Courses coupon!

The Great Courses coupon!
Have you ever gone to bed totally fine, but woken up the next day full of stress, angst and pain? Just happened to me today, so I'm listening to Stress and Your Body, now 80% off with our The Great Courses coupon.

I have no idea what happened overnight. I thought I slept well, I didn't wake up that I know of, and yet — today I'm achy, grouchy and have a pain in my back.

I was even making it worse on myself by worrying about it all morning, which was just serving to make me feel even more tightness and muscle pain. Oh, that plus a headache.

I'm learning in this awesome lecture how biology and psychology both play a role in stress and how it works in your body. Plus how you can sleep, but maybe not sleep well.  And how worry or injuries or hormones can also make things wonky on the sleep train.

If you have stress, get this course and learn how to better manage it for your health!

To learn more go to

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Our The Great Courses coupon gets you 80% off in January! Get some!

The Great Courses coupon!
Look, now that the holidays are over you know you're still stressed out. You thought is was Christmas, but now you know it's just you. You can do something, get Stress and Your Body, now 80% off with our The Great Courses coupon.

I have a tiny dog, who I love love love so much. She's tiny and lovely and loving and the perfect addition to our life. And she knows what's what when it comes to destressing her life.

I'm not my dog: I stress out about all the things, all the time. I love this course because it gives me multiple avenues about how to have less stress and better health.

 Biology and psychology of course play a role, and it's bigger than you probably think. Oh! And! You'll learn about how lack of sleep affects your stress levels, along with a whole host of other things: hormones, injuries, worry.

Get this course now, relax, and thank me later!

To learn more go to

Monday, January 4, 2016

Get 80% off Stress and Your Body with our The Great Courses coupon in January!

The Great Courses coupon!
Happy New Year!  Time to take control of your life and have a fresh start! You can do that with this course, Stress and Your Body, now 80% off with our The Great Courses coupon.

Who doesn't get stressed?  Babies, maybe, but honestly the jury is probably still out on them. Otherwise we all get stressed. That's how this modern life works for everyone!

This course will help you get your mind focused on the things you can do to help manage the stress we all feel and how to adjust when thing get more stressful.

You'll learn about how lack of sleep affects your stress levels, along with a whole host of other things: hormones, injuries, worry.  Biology and psychology of course play a role, and it's bigger than you probably think.

So don't wait — use our great deal to get in on this great lecture from The Great Courses.

To learn more go to